
U.O.S manufactures assembles and tests periscopes, vision blocks, hand-held periscopes, riflescopes and binoculars in U.O.S’s facility located in a Hi-Tech industrial park in Carmiel, in the northern part of Israel. 

This facility, over more than 20,000 square feet contains the following departments: Engineering, Quality Control, Metal and Acrylic machining, Heat Treatment, Lamination and Bonding, Opto-Mechanical assembly, inegration, Final Testing and Warehouses. 

U.O.S. has implemented computerized logistics systems for managing manufacturing, material supply, finance, purchasing, inventory, costing and production control. Those systems help U.O.S. to maintain, flexibility, productivity, cost effectiveness and above all high quality. The machining facility uses modern milling machines, CNC integrated vertical machining center, CNC cutting machine and state-of-the-art heat treatment ovens For assembly and integration, U.O.S. uses laminar flow benches in order to keep optical grade quality.


Final testing is performed using standard and special designed optical, mechanical and system test equipment. 

Standards and Specifications

All U.O.S. periscopes meet and/or exceed all performance & environmental requirements of MIL-46329(CR).

All periscopes are strictly manufactured and qualified in accordance with U.S. military specifications, IDF or per customer’s special requirements. The IDF Quality Testing & Inspection Team at the U.O.S. manufacturing facility continually monitors observation of these standards. 

UOS’s Machine Shop


With integrating CNC machine technology, and creative manufacturing techniques we are able to machine complex shapes with our CNC milling centers – vertical / horizontal that feature high speed spindles and four to five axis capability. 


Professional mechanical and optical assembly and integration facility.

Comprehensive mechanical and optical test and inspection equipment.


With our qualified and experiences technical staff we have the ability to handle complex projects


With integrating CNC machine technology, and creative manufacturing techniques we are able to machine complex shapes with our CNC milling centers – vertical / horizontal that feature high speed spindles and five axis capability.